Leah Wasser

Leah Wasser

Leah is the executive director of pyOpenSci .

Fork and Clone GitHub Repos
September 4, 2023

Fork and Clone GitHub Repos

Table Of Contents About Git and GitHub Directory Structure of Repositories URL of Repositories on GitHub.

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Get Started with Git Commands for Version Control
September 4, 2023

Get Started with Git Commands for Version Control

Table Of Contents Git and GitHub Workflow For Version Control Check the Status of Changes Using Git Status Adding and Committing File Changes To Version Control Add Changed Files Using git add Commit Changed Files Using git commit Push Changed Files to GitHub.

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Git repo files...
September 4, 2023

Git repo files...

New lesson the files all git repos should have for open science (can then link to readme)

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What Is Version Control
September 4, 2023

What Is Version Control

Table Of Contents What is Version Control? Types of Version control Why Version Control is Important How Version Control Systems Works Simple Version Control Model Git and GitHub - A Distributed Version Control Model How Git and GitHub Support Version Control Get Started With Git/GitHub.

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Setup git locally
April 18, 2023

Setup git locally

Table Of Contents Git and GitHub Workflow For Version Control Configure git Username and Email On Your Computer Setup Your Preferred Text Editor Using VScode as your Default Text Editor Setting Nano as a Default Text Editor For JupyterHub Environments Setup Authentication For Git Through GitHub Set Up a GitHub Token For Authentication Set Up an SSH Connection to GitHub (recommended) Step 1: Generate Your SSH Key Locally Step 2: Add Your SSH Key To Your GitHub Account Update Your Remotes To Support SSH Learning Objectives

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February 13, 2023

Import & Work With Python Packages

Table Of Contents What is a Python Package Open Source Python Packages for spatial and time series data Where Do Packages Live On Your Computer?

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Git Started: Setup Bash & Git
February 12, 2023

Git Started: Setup Bash & Git

Table Of Contents Setup Bash / Terminal Bash Setup Git Setup Setup Bash / Terminal Learn how to setup git and Bash on your computer so you can get started using git for version control and.

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February 12, 2023

Tips and tricks for checking your Python Environment

Tips and tricks Print your current local environment Print information about a specific package We’ve all been there… trying to import a package and python can’t find it?

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